The Case for College Planning in 9th Grade (Or Earlier!)

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Most students and high school guidance offices don’t start college planning until the 11th grade (big mistake). Even CollegeBoard and Common App have step-by-step guides on how to plan for higher education since Junior year. Two years may seem like plenty of time for strategizing, but at Ivy Link we recommend you start planning at least from the beginning of 9th grade. Here’s why: 

  • Less stress: high school guidance offices usually delay college discussion until the 11th grade to take the stress out of the college admissions process. But in our experience, planning as early as 9th grade gives more room to make changes to many components in your student’s record that are crucial to their college admissions chances. 

  • Colleges evaluate earlier: although guidance offices won’t start guiding until Junior year, colleges will evaluate your student’s academic and extracurricular records from the beginning of 9th grade. Why wouldn’t planning start from the moment your student is being evaluated by these institutions? Ivy Link equips students with information as early as 7th and 8th grade to start coordinating academic and extracurricular profiles to present a top-notch application.

  • Increased involvement: more time means more opportunities to get involved in external enrichment programs, summer opportunities, internships and contests.

An early start paired with Ivy Link’s expert guidance will enable your student to successfully navigate the admissions process. To get started on admissions advising and application assistance, schedule a consultation with an Ivy Link advisor. Our programs are tailored to fit the needs of every student.