AP Exam Advice


Advanced Placement (AP) courses are a great way for students to add merit to their academic records and impress colleges, but the other major benefit is college credit. Depending on the subject and the university, a score of 4 or 5 on an AP Exam will cover the respective college introductory course requirement and provide a welcome open slot in a student's schedule. Sounds great, but it's not so easy. A student with an A+ in her AP classwork doesn't guarantee she'll get a 4 or 5 on the official AP exam. 


- Check with prospective colleges to see if they will give course credit for AP scores. Even if they don’t, it might be worth the weighted grade/GPA (depending on each high school’s policies) to take the class. 

- The AP workload may not be for your student, especially if they are taking more than one AP class or are involved in highly time-consuming extra-curricular activities. 

Ivy Link tutors have mastered the AP Exams and know how to best prepare students beyond the AP courses, online sources, and prep books alone. Schedule a consultation today, and you can also find more AP Exam tips here.

Planning for next term?

If your student is strong in English, History, Math, Science, or Languages, they should consider taking these common AP courses:

  • AP English Language and Composition

  • AP English Literature and Composition

  • AP U.S. History

  • AP World History

  • AP Statistics

  • AP Calculus (AB and/or BC)

  • AP Biology

  • AP Chemistry

  • AP Spanish Language and Culture

  • AP French Language and Culture