Where to Find Free College Fairs During Covid


Visiting college campuses and speaking with admissions officers has always been recommended for incoming applicants, but in light of the pandemic, that’s no longer a safe or realistic thing to do. In response, the NACAC has created a Virtual College Fair, meeting twice in October, and again on November 8th.

The fair includes over 600 private and public universities, including:

  • Johns Hopkins University

  • The George Washington University

  • Northwestern University

  • University of Michigan – Ann Arbor

  • McGill University

  • New York University

  • Wellesley College

  • University of North Carolina – Chapel Hill

  • The Cooper Union

  • The New School

  • Bryn Mawr College

These events are completely free, and can be accessed from any device by simply visiting the Virtual College Fair website. The next event is Monday, October 12th, from 1pm to 9pm EDT. There will be over 1500 live sessions led by admissions officers, recruiters, and faculty from colleges all over the country (with a few even abroad, such as The American University of Paris), all easily navigable on the NACAC website using search and filter options.

Although Covid cancellations have been difficult and inconvenient for students on a global scale, this fair is actually unprecedented in its accessibility, so make sure you and your student take advantage!

For more information or guidance on applying to specific schools, especially ones that are not participating in the Virtual College Fair, reach out to one of our Ivy Link experts here to start formulating a personalized plan for your student today.