Tips To Have A Fruitful College Visit


Before applying to any college, it is a good idea to visit the school if possible. You want to make sure that you have a realistic idea of what life will be like on that campus. After all, this will be your life for the next four years. 

College visits can be a lot of fun. But they can also be extremely stressful if not handled properly. Here are a few tips to follow to make sure you have a pleasant and fruitful college visit: 

  • Plan your trip in advance. Don’t wait until you’re already filling out college applications. Visit colleges during your junior year to give yourself time to explore the colleges to which you want to apply, and to give yourself time to explore other options if your dream school turns out to be a nightmare. 

  • Visit when classes are in session. Empty campuses can sure look beautiful, but they do very little to give you a realistic sense of what campus life will be like. For best results, visit in the late summer or early fall when classes are just starting out and haven’t gotten too hectic yet. Don’t visit around midterms or finals. At this time, the campus will be chaotic and no one will have much time to talk to you. 

  • Talk to current students. These people are the experts on the life you are about to enter into. Don’t limit yourself: talk to as many students as you can. They will likely be more than happy to fill you in on all the happenings around campus. Ask for advice and recommendations on classes and professors.

  • Stop by the admissions office and introduce yourself. It makes you much more memorable if these officers can put a face to your name. Don’t take up too much of their time, but a simple conversation will do. Ask any questions that you have about the admissions process. Get contact information so you know who to reach out to if the time comes. 

  • Take your own tour. In addition to taking a formal tour, take a tour of your own. Stop by the dorms. Stop by the cafeteria. Visit the buildings and locations you will likely frequent. For example, if you’re there to study science, visit the labs and libraries to see what kind of research opportunities will be available to you. Sit in on classes and introduce yourself to professors of the subjects that interest you and/or that you plan to study. Ask questions about the curriculum and expectations so that you know what to expect.  

  • Take notes and photos. You’re not going to remember everything you see or learn about the school. Write it down. Make notes about your first impressions and what you like and dislike about the school. When sitting down to fill out applications, refer to these notes to help you narrow down your choices. And when sitting down to write your admissions essays, use these notes to reference specific qualities about the school that make it a good fit for you and, more importantly, make you a good fit for the school.

  • Follow up. If you introduce yourself to the admissions officers and professors, make sure to send a quick follow up email. Remind them of your name and the conversation. Remember, these people talk to dozens of students a day so they will need a reminder of who you are. Don’t make the email too long, a short paragraph will do. But again, you want these people to remember who you are for any future correspondence. 

So sit down and start making a list of the colleges you want to visit. Don’t wait until it’s too late! 

In addition to working with students all four years of high school to enhance their academic profile, Ivy Link assists with choosing the best-fit schools and organizing college visits. Contact us below to learn more.