Regular Decision and ED II Deadlines for College (2021-22)

In November, many prospective first-year college students submitted applications to universities via the Early Decision or Early Action option with hopes of receiving an acceptance before the December holiday break. Students accepted in December can celebrate their academic achievement and take a sigh of relief now that the anxiety-ridden college application process is over. Not all hope is lost for students who do not receive an ED acceptance letter. Numerous colleges offer Early Decision II with a January application deadline and notification in February – close to two months before the regular decision notification of late March/early April. Like ED I, ED II is binding: if a student is admitted, they must accept the spot.

Below, we have compiled the RD and ED application deadlines for the schools' Ivy Link students most regularly submit applications to. For detailed information on a school's admissions requirements, use the link to be taken to that school's website page.

If your student would like any assistance with a deferment, ED II, or Regular Decision applications, please don't hesitate to reach out. College applications require a lot of work, but they don't have to be so stressful! Ivy Link advisors are well trained in helping students get over the finish line without getting overwhelmed, and are dedicated to maximizing their chances at admissions. Whether your student is still working on the essays, or their applications just need some finishing touches, we are here to help.