Effective Letters of Recommendation 101


Letters of Recommendation (LORs) are an important part of the application process. Most schools require them for you to be considered. If you read our post on what colleges look for in LORS, then the next logical question you might be asking is: how do you obtain an LOR? There is no one way to get an effective LOR, but here are a few tips to help you: 

  • Establish rapport early: Approach your teachers of choice well before the summer after your junior year. Form connections and network with them long before you need to ask them for the letter. By the time you ask, they should already know you as a person as well as a student. The most genuine letters come from teachers who truly know the subject of their letter.

  • Take charge: Rather than just handing the resumé to your recommender and hoping for the best, include in your request what you want them to reference in the letter. Include the values, accomplishments and goals that are most important to you. You could also draft a letter for them to build upon.

  • Include details: Mention deadlines and important logistics (where to submit, how to submit, etc.) to your teacher when you ask for the letter. If you don’t mention these details then you might not get the letter submitted on time.

  • Don’t wait until the last minute! Simply put, if you wait until the last minute to get to know your teachers or to ask them for a LOR then you will get a poor letter. Once you’ve decided on your top-choice schools, find out their requirements for LORs and ask your teachers right away. Give them a chance to craft a strong, personal letter that will help your application stand out above the others. 

Still not sure who you should approach for a Letter of Recommendation? Get in touch with Ivy Link today, and our advisors will guide you through this, and all other aspects of the college admissions process.