Deferment Dos and Don'ts


Early Decision and Early Action results are trickling in, and that means good news for some, and tough news for many others. Being deferred to the Regular Decision round is a tough pill to swallow, but it doesn’t mean hope is lost. Take a deep breath, maybe give yourself an afternoon to process, and then it’s time to get to work. Here’s what you need to do:

  1. Write a Statement of Persuasion to the school that deferred you. This letter won’t clinch your acceptance, but it can help.

  2. Reassess where certain colleges rank in your list of schools

  3. Prepare supplemental documents for your application(s), if necessary (i.e. additional essays)

  4. Continue editing your application materials for Regular Decision applications.

There are only TWO WEEKS until most Regular Decision deadlines. Remember:

  1. DO NOT wait a few more days to begin working on your other applications. You should have already been working on them while waiting for ED/EA results. Now is not the time to procrastinate.

  2. DO NOT reuse your supplement essays for your additional schools. Just because a prompt is similar does not mean your response to a different prompt for a different school will be effective.

  3. DO NOT give up hope! You’ve worked really hard to get this far, and (assuming you don’t apply exclusively to high-reach schools) there is an acceptance letter coming your way. This is the last hurdle. You can do it!

If you or your student are looking for some extra guidance through the application process, contact us today. Our expert advisors will diagnose what went wrong in the Early round, and help maximize your chances of acceptance to the remaining schools.