Cornell Sees Higher Enrollment Rates This Year


Despite what we’ve already reported about this year’s enrollment for its Ivy League Peers (Harvard, Yale, and Princeton), and continuing pandemic concerns, Cornell currently stands uniquely as one of the few whose enrollment rates this year has actually increased.

The increase is slight, as reported in The Daily Cornell Sun, however interestingly, their stats boast students that are citizens of nine more countries than the Class of 2023. As we reported, though the U.S. government reversed the order refusing visas to international students with all-online classes, the caveat is that the protection does not extend to first-year international students. Therefore, the addition of incoming students from new countries as compared to last year, when the visa issue – and the pandemic – were nonexistent, begs a few questions.

Although, like the interpretation of almost all college admissions statistics, one can only arrive to conjecture, and wait to see what results come of this information, most importantly – how it will affect the Class of 2025! For more information, especially as it pertains to you and the schools you’re selecting this year, contact a member of the Ivy Link team to get started on the best-informed admissions advising plan for you.