College Decision Day: Strategies, Tips, and More


May 1st is right around the corner! For those of you who have been accepted into college this year, this date is known as College Decision Day. It is the deadline to confirm your enrollment and submit a deposit to your chosen college. The best case scenario is that you were accepted into more than one college. If that’s you, congratulations! However, now it’s time to make a choice. This might seem just as hard, if not harder, than deciding which colleges to apply to in the first place. 

The good news is that we are here to help you. We’ve compiled a list of helpful hints to consider when deciding which college to choose:

  • Do NOT double deposit! It may seem tempting to accept admission into more than school to give yourself more time to decide. However, this is viewed as highly unethical. By accepting a slot that you don’t plan to fill, you are taking the spot away from another student who might be on the waitlist hoping for admission. Colleges very much frown upon this behavior, and in severe cases, may even rescind your admission if they find out that you have done this. So under no circumstances should you accept a spot at more than one college!

  • Compare financial aid packages. College is expensive! Many students end up with a large amount of debt when they finish college. Now, there is no shame in this. But, if you’re able to attend college with little to no debt by the end, you’ll have a much better chance of financial stability in your future. So pay close attention to what each college is offering in terms of grants, scholarships, and other aid. If you have any questions or if there is any confusion, reach out to the college’s financial aid office right away! Don’t wait until the last minute. Make sure you understand exactly what the college is offering you before you make a final decision!

  • Be honest about what college will be the best fit for you. Name recognition means a lot to you, your parents, and future employers. But, if the college isn’t going to be a good fit for you, then is it really worth going? By now, you should have done some research to make sure that the colleges you have applied to have the concentration you want to study. Ideally, they’ll also have academic clubs that will offer you a chance to excel. Make sure you get the experience you want no matter where you choose to go.

  • Make sure you know exactly how to accept! This may sound like silly advice, but different colleges have different systems. Some want you to accept through an online portal. Others want you to email admissions directly. Whatever they want, they have given you specific instructions included with your acceptance letter. Read it! Don’t wait until the night before the deadline to figure out what you need to do. 

  • If you already know what college you plan to attend, accept right away. You don’t have to wait until the May 1 deadline to accept the slot. Let them know you’re serious. Put down the deposit to secure your spot. 

Whatever college you decide to attend, make sure you don’t miss the deadline! If you do miss it, contact the college admissions office as soon as possible to see if you are still able to attend. At most of the top colleges, this may not be an option. If they don’t hear from you, they may move on. 

We hope this helps you narrow down your choices. Keep in mind that whatever decision you make doesn’t have to be permanent. If things don’t go the way you want them to go, you can always transfer. So, do what feels right. And good luck!