College Board Botches Online AP Exams


Last week, the College Board got its first real test in providing remote AP Exams, and it did not go well. In short, many students were unable to submit answers. The only fix: retake the test. Going forward, students will be able to email their responses if the online platform doesn't work, but this is little comfort to students who are facing a second round of testing for no fault of their own. Plus, what about those students lack easy access to a computer or the internet? Unless the College Board makes some major improvements, this may call for another alternative to in-person testing as we all continue to figure out the COVID-19 world. Parents and students will certainly not accept the current state of things if they can help it. 

All that said, it is still advantageous for students to take the AP Exams if they are able. For one, they are easier and shorter this year due to COVID-19. Plus, colleges still put a premium on AP classes and exams, and many honor high scores for college course credit. More information on AP Exams in 2020, and why they are still important can be found in this blog post.

More information, along with testimonials from teachers and other officials, can be found in this article from the Washington Post.