Rolling Admissions 101


In the college application process, students are likely to come across terms with which they are unfamiliar. One of these terms may be “Rolling admissions.”

What is rolling admission?
Unlike traditional admissions, which has a fixed application deadline and notification date, the rolling admissions process operates on an ongoing basis. Colleges that have rolling admissions will review and evaluate applications as they are received. Because of this, admissions decisions are made continuously throughout the admissions process instead of at one set time. 

Why do colleges use rolling admissions?
There are a few reasons colleges choose the rolling admissions process. Among them are:

  • Admissions offices are not inundated with a large amount of applications all at once. This way, admission officers are not overwhelmed and therefore are able to review applications as they are received rather than by a fixed deadline.

  • Rolling admissions attract a diverse pool of candidates. Different students have different needs and are exploring more than one college at a time. By offering a less concrete deadline, students are able to make the best decisions for them and apply to colleges they may consider after more exploration.

  • Colleges can address the fluctuations in demand. The flexibility of rolling admissions allows colleges to fill available slots in the incoming class as they find strong candidates instead of needing to fill the slots by a fixed deadline.

When should students apply with rolling admissions?
While students have more flexibility with the deadline, colleges still mostly admit students on a first-come, first-served basis. Therefore, we recommend that students apply as early as possible. This is the best way to secure a spot in the incoming class—especially if the college is competitive and has small class sizes. That said, a benefit of rolling admissions is that students are able to strategize their application process a bit more. Students should prioritize preferred colleges and complete those applications first then complete their other applications accordingly.

What are the benefits of rolling admissions?

  • Faster turnaround time. Because admissions officers will review applications as they are received instead of all at once, they will make decisions as they go. This generally leads to students finding out the results much faster, in as little as a few weeks. 

  • Increased chances of admission. Because decisions are made continuously, spaces in the program are filled as they are reviewed. This means that colleges can fill spaces more efficiently ensuring that strong candidates have the opportunity to secure a spot. 

  • Less stressful senior year. Because students can receive word of admission earlier, they may know their fate before the spring of their senior year allowing students to focus on their studies without stressing about admissions decisions. 

Hopefully, this guide gives students a quick overview of the rolling admissions process. Of course, students may have more questions. If so, reach out to Ivy Link to schedule a consultation.